Friends of Nighthawks

The Friends of Nighthawks is a President’s Advisory Council established in December 2014 as a result of the Community Listening Sessions held earlier that year. The community noticed a need for a group that could connect Northeast Lakeview College with the community that it serves.

Members meet regularly for college updates and to engage in conversations about the next phase of innovation and growth for Northeast Lakeview College.

Friends of Nighthawks initiate and maintain connections with the local community, school districts, and businesses through collaboration, advocacy, facilitation, and engagement. This is accomplished by communicating diverse views and needs of

  • future and current students, and the community,
  • employment/internship and training opportunities,
  • financial assistance needs, and
  • creating an overall awareness of campus and community programs and events through sharing information.
Meeting Summaries List of Members
Meeting Dates Community Listing Report